• From which Country SSPR Journal is based on ?


  • Is it International / UGC Journal ?

No, we are at very initial stage and will proceed for the same after some time

  • SSPR journal is single blind/ double blind reviewed ?

Single blind peer review

  • What is the title of Journal ?

Title of Journal is Swanirman Sunirmit Publications of Research and the abbreviation used for this title is SSPR.

  • What is the starting year of Journal ?

We started SSPR Journal in the Year 2021 and released our first issue of Volume 1 in the month Of March 2021.

  • How does the whole process work on ?

Please refer our website page Click on

  • What is the aim and scope of SSPR Journal ?

Please refer our website page Click on

  • What is the ISSN of SSPR Journal ? where do we find it ?

ISSN [Online] is 2583-2654 and we can find it on the image of home page and at the top of publication pages of our website.

  • What is the frequency of SSPR Journal ?

We publish SSPR Journal four times in a year and in the months of March, June, September and December from September 2022 onwards. Whereas prior to September 2022, we were publishing twice in a year i.e in the month of March and September.

  • Is it regular journal?


  • Can same article be used in different publications ?

No, unless SSPR reject the paper.

  • Can same author submit simultaneously in SSPR or two articles in same edition?

Yes, may be but article of paper should be accepted through reviewer team.

  • What is the maximum and minimum number of pages for article ?

Maximum 16 pages and minimum 4 pages

  • Where can author find details and guidelines about article of Journal for submission of article?

Author can go through for all details at Click on and also may visit for other pages of publications.

  • What type of paper author can submit ?

Articles based on research, General Seminar/Conference/Workshops/Symposia etc proceedings, Survey Paper, Informative article, Case studies, Review paper, Comparative studies, Dissertation chapters, Research Proposal or synopsis, Thesis of MTech/ME/PhD, Reports/news in research area, Book review etc

  • What are the area of subjects for submission of articles ?

You may visit our website page at Click on

  • What is indexing of SSPR Journal ?

You may visit our website page at Click on

  • How does an author know about the publication of their paper ?

Author will be intimated through our email after the paper publishing.

  • Is there any identification for published papers ?

Yes we have specific identification for every article that we publish.

  • What if plagiarism is found in the article after publication ?

Immediately that article will be removed from the publication without any notice to the author. Also that author will be rejected from the data of SSPR.

  • Does ecertificate will be issued to author for article, if published ?

Yes, we issue ecertificate for our published article after release of SSPR edition.

  • How can I apply for member of editorial team ?

Please go through the eligibility criterion for applying and email the details as given on website.

  • For any feedback or suggestions how do I approach ?

We have feedback query form which may be submitted for any feedback or suggestions on our website and blogs both.

  • Is their any publication fee for the sessional articles or editorial articles?

No, there is no publication fee for our sessional articles or editorial articles. Also we do not charge any amount from our speakers for delivering their sessions.

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