Dr P Karthikeyan
(PhD, ME, BE, Member of IAENG, Member of Internet Society, Member of CSTA)
Associate Professor, Computer science and Engineering, Jain deemed to be university, Bangalore.
Email: karthikeyan@jaiuniversity.ac.in
- Title of the invention : Fetal Heart Monitoring System Based On Doppler Ultrasound Device Embedded Smartwatch Architecture
Patent Application no:202041012939 - Date of Filing Application:25-03-2020
- Publication Date : 22/05/2020
- The Patent Office Journal 21/2020 Dated 22/05/2020
- URL: http://www.ipindia.nic.in/journal-patents.htm
- Title of the invention : Novel strategy for identification of hurdles in agriculture fields through integration of deep learning and detection anomaly
- Patent Application no: 202041056793
- Date of Filing Application: 29/12/2020
- Internet of Things: Integration and Security Challenges, Velliangiri, Sathish A.P. Kumar, P. Karthikeyan, ISBN: 9780367893873, Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020.
- Secure Communication for 5G and IoT Networks, Velliangiri, S, Gunasekaran, M, Karthikeyan, P, ISBN 978-3-030-79766-9, Publisher: EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing,2021.
- Best Young Researcher Award (Male) (Below 40 years) at 2nd International Academic and Research Excellence Awards (IARE) 2020.
- Sathish Kumar, Sarveshwaran Velliangiri, Periyasami Karthikeyan, Saru Kumari, Sachin Kumar, Muhammad Khurram Khan,A survey on the blockchain techniques for the Internet of Vehicles security,Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies,(Impact Factor 56 SCIE)
- Karthikeyan, P., An efficient load balancing using seven stone game optimization in cloud Software: Practice and Experience. (Impact Factor 1.786 SCI)
- Velliangiri, S., and P. Karthikeyan. “Hybrid optimization scheme for intrusion detection using considerable feature selection.” Neural Computing and Applications (2019): 1-15., 1- 15.(Impact Factor 644 SCIE )
- Velliangiri, Karthikeyan, P., & Vinoth Kumar, V. (2020). Detection of distributed denial of service attack in cloud computing using the optimization-based deep networks. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 1–20. doi:10.1080/0952813x.2020.1744196. (Impact Factor 2.11 SCIE )
- Velliangiri, S., P. Karthikeyan, VM Arul Xavier, and D. Baswaraj. “Hybrid electro search with genetic algorithm for task scheduling in cloud computing.” Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2020).(Impact Factor 99 ,SCIE)
- Karthikeyan P, Rinta Sony 2018’ A Hybrid PSO Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Annexure I (IF 0.266) Accepted for the Publication. (Scopus Indexed)
- Karthikeyan P , Jeyakrishnan V, Gopalakrishnan Thirumoorthy, Rajagopal R and Nagaraj B , “BlockChain Based Combinatorial Grouping Auction with Reserve Price Mechanism in Cloud Computing”, Recent Patents on Computer Science (2019) 12: 1.(Scopus Indexed)
- Karthikeyan P, Arul Xavier M, Iwin Thanakumar Joseph and S. Velliangiri, “Combinatorial Double Auction based Meta-scheduler for Medical Image Analysis Application in Grid Environment”, Recent Patents on Computer Science (2019) 12: 1. https://doi.org/10.2174/2213275911666190320161934. (Scopus Indexed)
- Velliangiri, S., R. Rajagopal, and P. Karthikeyan. “Trust Factor Based Key Distribution Protocol in Hybrid Cloud Environment.” Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 2 (2019): 349-364. (Scopus Indexed)
- Velliangiri, R. Cristin M, Karthikeyan P, Genetic Gray Wolf Improvement for Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in the Cloud, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 15, 1–6, 2018. (Scopus Indexed)
- Karthikeyan P, ChandraSekaran M, Dynamic Programming Inspired Virtual Machine Instances Allocation in Cloud Computing, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 13, 1-10, 2016. (Scopus Indexed)
- Jeyabharathi, S. Velliangiri, N. Nasurudeen Ahamed, P. Karthikeyan , A Heuristic Search Method Unified in Blockchain Expertise for Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Control and Automation, Volume. 13, No. 4. 2020. (Scopus Indexed)
- Karthikeyan P, ChandraSekaran M ,Summative Score based Virtual Machine Instance Allocation in Cloud Computing, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 6, No. 12, December 2016, pp. 616-628. ISSN 2249-7315, DOI NUMBER:10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01315.0.
- Santhiya H, Karthikeyan, Survey on Auction based Scheduling in Grid and Cloud Environment, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 62– No.8, January 2013.
- Gogila Nair, Karthikeyan P,A Hierarchical Chemical Reaction Optimization for Varying Length Task Scheduling in Grid Computing, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622,Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.717-720.
- Santhiya H, Karthikeyan P, Price Adjustment for Double Auction Based Scheduling in Grid Environment, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), ISSN: 2278 – 1323, Volume 2, Issue 3, and March
- Priscilla, P.Karthikeyan, Survey On Meta-Scheduler in Grid Environment, international Journal Of Research In Computer Applications And Robotics , ISSN 2320-7345, Vol.1 Issue.9, Pg: 74-78 December 2013.
- Nancy Priyadharshini U , Karthikeyan P ,A Survey On Job Rescheduling And Met scheduling Approaches in Grid Environment, international Journal Of Research In Computer Applications And Robotics , ISSN 2320-7345,Vol.1 9, Pg: 103-108 December 2013.
- Shirley Sequeira R, Karthikeyan P,A Survey on Auction Based Resource Allocation in Cloud Environment, international Journal Of Research In Computer Applications And Robotics , ISSN 2320-7345,Vol.1 Issue.9, Pg: 96-102 December 2013.
- Radhakrishnan, B.L., Sudhakar, S., Belfin, R.V., Karthikeyan, P., Kirubakaran, E. and Sagayam, K.M., 2020. Techniques for Resource Sharing in Cloud Computing Platform. In Swarm Intelligence for Cloud Computing (pp. 39-72). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
- Karthikeyan P, Karunakaran V, Pon Harshavardhan, Rajagopal R, Jeyakrishnan V, Velliangiri S ,”Machine Learning Techniques Application Social Media, Agriculture, and Scheduling in Distributed Systems” Handbook of Research on Applications and Implementations of Machine Learning Techniques ,IGI Global Group, Accepted for the
- Palanivel Rajan , D. Baswaraj , S. Velliangiri , P. Karthikeyan,” Next Generations Data Science Application and Its Platform”, 2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC),Trichy,India,2020. (Scopus Indexed)
- Velliangiri, G. K. L. Kumar and P. Karthikeyan, “Unsupervised Blockchain for Safeguarding Confidential Information in Vehicle Assets Transfer,” 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 2020, pp. 44-49.(Scopus Indexed)
- Velliangiri and P. Karthikeyan, “Blockchain Technology: Challenges and Security issues in Consensus algorithm,” 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India, 2020, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ICCCI48352.2020.9104132. (Scopus Indexed)
- N. Ahamed, Karthikeyan. P, S. P. Anandaraj and V. R, “Sea Food Supply Chain Management Using Blockchain,” 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 2020, pp. 473- 476.(Scopus indexed)
- Anbarasu, P. Karthikeyan and S. P. Anandaraj, “Turning Human and Food Waste into Reusable Energy in a Multilevel Apartment Using IoT,” 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 2020, pp. 440-444.(Scopus Indexed)
- Karthikeyyan, S. Velliangiri and M. I. T. Joseph. S, “Review of Blockchain based IoT application and its security issues,” 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), Kannur,Kerala, India, 2019, pp. 6-11.(Scopus indexed)
- Velliangiri, P. Karthikeyan, I. T. Joseph and S. A. P. Kumar, “Investigation of Deep Learning Schemes in Medical Application,” 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2019, pp. 87-92. (Scopus indexed)
- K. Christopher, X. V. M. Arul and P. Karthikeyen, “Smart Toll Tax Automation and Monitoring System Using Android Application,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS), Tamilnadu, India, 2019, pp. 1-6.(Scopus indexed)
- Karthikeyan P, Analyzing the SaaS product using multifactor framework ,International conference on advances in Computer sciences ,Engineering and Technology organized by the Department of Computer and Information Technology, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education ,Krishnankoil, on 19th and 20th of January 2018.
- Karthikeyan P, Seven stone game optimization load balancing algorithm in an inter cloud environment ,International Conference on Advances in Robotics Energy and Network system 2017 held at Government college of Engineering Salem on 10-3-2017.
- Nimisha D, Karthikeyan P, Hybrid Auction Based Mechanism for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Cloud, 2015 IEEE international conference on Engineering and Technology, 20th March 2015, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu,
- Karthikeyan P, Resource Scheduling and Allocation on Grid computing Environment, in International conference on “Advanced computer science and information Technology” held at Cochin on 20-1-2013.
- Karthikeyan P, “Location based scheduler for independent jobs in computational grids” in International conference on “Computer communication and informatics” held at Sri Shakthi institute of engineering and technology Coimbatore on 11-1-2011 and 12-1-2011.
Karthikeyan P, “Cluster based routing algorithm for cluster mobile Ad hoc networks” in the National conference on “Emerging trends in computing technologies” held at Karpagam University Coimbatore on 27-10-2010.
- “Research issue in Cloud Computing”, Hands-on workshop, Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, 4-9-2013.
- “Enterprise Computing and Web Technology “, Guest Lecturer, PGP college of Engineering and College of Technology, Namakkal, 19-02-13.
- “Advanced Computing & JSP Servlet “, Guest Lecturer, Muthayammal Polytechnic Institution Rasipuram, Namakkal, 28-8-13.
- “Hands on Training in J2EE”, Workshop, Vivekananda Institute of engineering and technology, Namakkal, 6-3-2014.
- “Cloud Computing and its applications”, Seminar, Sri Rengeswara Polytechnic college, Namakkal, 21-1-2014.
- “Android Application Development”, Workshop, Sri Rengeswara polytechnic college, Namakkal, 13-12-2014.
- “Advanced Operating System “, Guest Lecturer, Vidhya Mandhir Institute of Technology, Erode, 22-03-14.
- “Programming Technology in .Net Framework”, Guest Lecturer Muthayammal Polytechnic College, 9-08-14.
- “Cryptography and Network Security “, Workshop, Sri Venkatesa Perumal College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur, Andhra Pradesh, 24-10-16.
- “C Programming “, Workshop, Electrical sciences, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, 12-07-2017.
- “C Programming Tricky question” Workshop, Computer Sciences Technology, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, 13-02-2018.
- “Python Programming for Beginers”Workshop, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, 21-03-2018.
- “Fundamental of C and Data structures “Guest lecture, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, 23-08-
- “Problem solving using python” Guest Lecture, Department of Computer science and Engineering, Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, 4-12-2019.
- “Data analytics using R programming” AICTE Sponsored Two weeks FDP, Department of CSE, Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College,Chennai,6- 12-2019.
- “Big Data Analytics and Data Science”, One Day workshop, Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Sciences, Narapally, Hyderabad, 14-03-2020.
- “Data science “Webinar, Department of IT, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, 12- 05-2020.
- Hands on Training on Deep Neural Networks (DNN) Model” for the AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme Series- I on “Deep Learning Applications and Challenges in Big Data Analytics”, from 08.2020 to 22.08.2020,Velalar college of engineering and technology, Erode.
- Deep Neural Networks using Keras Tool ” Webinar, Er.Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering,hosur,tamilnadu, on 19.09.2020,
- Five day online faculty development programmer on, “Online Teaching and Research” C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering & Technology, Tamil Nadu, from 27-07-2020 to 31- 7-2020.
- Hands on Training on Deep learning with LSTM” for the AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme Series- III on “Deep Learning Applications and Challenges in Big Data Analytics” from 05.10.2020 to 10.10.2020., Velalar College of engineering and technology,
- “Cloud Technology” FDP, Department of CSE, Vel Tech Multi Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College,Chennai,18-12-2020.
- “Potential and Challenges of Digitalization for smart city”, from Department of IT ,Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunager,India,21-12-2020.
- “Convolutional Neural Networks” FDP, Department of IT, Er.Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur, tamilnadu, on 4.06.2021.
- “Data science product demo using regression analysis”, Guest Talk, Narayana Engineering College, Gudur, Andhra pradesh,8-6-2021.
- “Recent Advancement and Research Challenges in Communication and Networking (RARCCN-2021)”,FDP, Department of ECE, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-10 during June 07-11, 2021.
- National conference on “Biological Complexity: Towards the new era of patterns, models and networks” held during December 11th -12th, 2013 organized by department of Bioinformatics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences,
- International Conference on Computational Science & its Applications (ICCSA-2018) 16th March 2018, S.R.N.M College, Sattur Organized By Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College Sattur, Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu,
- 4th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (SCI-2020) as a Special Session Chair, from 9-10-200 to 10-10-2020,Vasavi College of Engineering (Autonomous)
- “A Hierarchical Chemical reaction optimization for varying length task scheduling grid environment”
- CDA model Based Scheduling of scientific application in grid environment
- Policy based scheduling and Resource allocation for multimedia communication on grid environment
- On The improvement of grid resource utilization: Preventative and reactive rescheduling approach
- Combinatorial auction based allocation of virtual machines instances in cloud
- Guaranteed greedy mechanism for dynamic virtual machine allocation in cloud
- Double auction inspired scheduling of parallel application on global grids
- Hybrid auction based mechanism for dynamic virtual machine provision and allocation in cloud
- Pricing adjustment combinatorial double auction resource allocation model in cloud computing
- A Hybrid PSO Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Algorithm In Cloud Computing
- Analyzing the SaaS Product Using Multifactor Framework
- Two days National Workshop on “Software Quality” on 8-5-2008 and 9-5-2008 organized by Anna University-Coimbatore.
- National Two days National Workshop on “Multimedia” on 8-1-2008 and 9-1-2008 organized by Paavai Engineering College.
- Faculty Updation Training on “MS.NET Framework & programming using C#” at CDAC Hyderabad during 7-12-2009 to18-12-2009.
- One day workshop on “Research Issues and Research methodology in computer science” on 1st November 2009 at Paavai Engineering college.
- One day workshop on “Advanced Developer Technologies” on 31st 2009 at Gnanamani college of Technology.
- Faculty Development Training programme on “Internet programming/Internet programming lab” at college of Engineering Gundy campus, Anna University during 15-6-2009 to 21-6-
- Five days National Workshop on “Grid computing” during 7-2-2011 to 11-2-11 organized by Centre for Advanced Research and Education Department of Computer Technology Anna University, Chennai
- Three days National Workshop on “Grid and cloud computing” during 28-1-2011 to30-1-11 organized by PSG College of Technology-Coimbatore.
- Anna University of Technology Sponsored Two days Faculty development programme on “Soft computing and Simulator” Conducted at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul during 24-3-2011 to 25-3-2011
- TEQIP Coordinated Faculty development Program on “A paradigm of Advanced Computer Networking and soft computing” Conducted at Government College of Engineering, Salem during 2-5-2011 to 6-5-2011.
- One Day workshop on “Simulation Tools for Grid and cloud computing” at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 24th September 2011.
- International workshop on “A Search for Research” at Kalaivani college of Technology, Coimbatore on12th January 2012.
- Workshop on “RECENT TRENDS IN CLOUD COMPUTING” at Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, and Chennai during 22-3-2012 to 25-3-2012.
- One day workshop on “Cloud Computing” at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode on 28th December 2012.
- Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program on Foundation Program 0 from 14th – 19th December 2015 at Infosys, Mangalore.
- Faculty development program on “IBM certified Cloud Application Developer” at Karunya University, Coimbatore from 10-08-2016 to 11-08-2016.
- One day Faculty Training program on “Effective Teaching-Learning Methodology for Engineers” at Karunya University, Coimbatore on 28-6-2016.
- Workshop on “Virtual labs” at Karunya University, Coimbatore on 20-02-2016.
- Workshop on “Power of Visualization by Qlik” at CTS Coimbatore on 27-09-2017.
- Faculty Development Program on .Net Technologies at KCT Tech Park, Cognizant Academy, and Coimbatore on 9-8-2017.
- Campus Connect Faculty Enablement Program On “Foundation Program 4.1 at GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Mysore from July 31st to August 4th
- Faculty Development Program on Cloud Infrastructure and Services at Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, from 7-2-2017 to 11-2-2017.
- One Week National Level Workshop on Intelligent Computing & Deep Learning at VNRVJIET Hyderabad from 14th -19th May, 2018.
- Faculty Development Program on Data Science and Big Data Analytics conducted by ICT Academy from 12-10-2018 to 12-14-2018 at Dr. NGP Institute of Technology.
- Faculty Development Program on Machine learning conducted at Presidency University from 27-7-2019 to 31-7-2019.
- Faculty Development Program on Internet of Things conducted at Presidency University from 3-8-2020 to 7-8-2020.