About Publication
Aim and Scope
The main aim of Swanirman Sunirmit Publications of Research is to provide an open access research journal platform for scientists, scholars, researchers and engineers so as to exchange their research work, technical notes & surveying results among professionals throughout the world.
We aim to publish high quality research in the field of primarily Computer Science , Information Technology and generally all interdisciplinary streams of Engineering Sciences, having central focus approaching towards spiritualism and high technology, which may help us in enhancing the quality of human life and contribute effectively to share with the upcoming generation in the field of research and development in its research journal.
To explore further, we provide immediate, worldwide, barrier free access to find articles free of cost to all interested viewers.
Therefore, SSPR aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends that needs more focus and exposure and is always committed to publish articles that will strengthen the knowledge of upcoming Researchers and Scientists.
SSPR imparts a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component, create a bridge for significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original industry relevant research, solicit original and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental works.
Articles/ research papers are invited in Engineering, Science and technology, life sciences including Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy, Healthcare Sciences, Law and Education, Management, Environmental Science, Biotechnology, ML and AI etc. having central focus approaching towards spiritualism and high technology, which may help us in enhancing the quality of human life and contribute effectively to share with the upcoming generation in the field of research and development.
We are indexed and included in databases with Google Scholar, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Indian Citation index (ICI), UNCCD, GFMER, ICMJE , International Scientific Indexing (ISI), J Gate.
Research Area
Articles/ research papers are invited in these areas as under:
- Computer Science , Information Technology and generally all interdisciplinary streams of Engineering Sciences
- Science and Technology
- Life sciences including Ayurveda, Yoga, Homoeopathy
- Healthcare Sciences
- Management
- Law and Education
- Environmental science
- Biotechnology
- ML and AI
- Spiritualism and high technology
We now also welcome articles on practical research, impact of New Education Policy (NEP) and areas of new emerging technology like industry 4.0.
Journal: Swanirman Sunirmit Publications of Research
Editor-in-Chief: Dr (Prof) Vinay Kumar (PhD, MCA from JNU, MSc (Mathematics), BSc (Mathematics)), DHEI Research Foundation, A-70, Ordnanace Apartment, Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018
Online Publisher: Swanirman Sunirmit
Address: A-47, Double storey, Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-110015 India
Nationality: Indian
Abbreviation: SSPR
Periodical: Quarterly in a year (March, June, September and December)
ISSN [online]: 2583-2654
All authors must adhere with below guidelines before submitting paper for review.
1. Originality: SSPR adhere Zero percent plagiarism policy. Submitted paper must be 100% original. If you are referring any other paper, you should have proper permission to use their research and proper reference/citation should be given in paper.
2. Research Work: As we say research work, we mean your paper should be proper research, new innovation or further research work.
3. Open Access: SSPR is open access platform. All accepted work will publish in our journal and freely available to all readers. Author should agree to provide their research work in open access after publication.
4. General Guidelines & Formatting: If there are more than one author in paper, all the authors must be in mutual understanding before submitting paper to SSPR. Your paper must be properly formatted and adhere SSPR standard of paper formatting. Submitted paper should be in double column standard paper format.
Prof (Dr) Vinay Kumar